Pregnancy Symptoms

Don’t get caught worrying about being pregnant before you are sure. 

A missed period is the most common indication, but it doesn’t mean you are pregnant.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms

We will provide you with a free lab-certified pregnancy test and provide you with the results during your appointment.

Late or missed period

Itchy or tingling nipple

Sensitivity to smells

Frequent urination

Nausea or vomiting

Unexplained fatigue

Backaches or cramping

Food cravings or aversions

Darkening of nipples

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is the test?

Our tests are laboratory quality. They can detect the hCG pregnancy hormone as early as 21 to 24 days after the first day of your last period. The test is over 99% accurate.

Can I have a retest if my test is negative and my period doesn’t start?

Yes, you may be rescheduled for another test. The hCG hormone doubles every couple of days during the first three months of pregnancy.

Should I see a doctor if I have a second negative test and have not started my period?

If you have concerns about missed periods and your pregnancy test continues to be negative, you should see your health care provider for assessment. If you need resources for health care, our center can provide you referrals.

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